

A blazing-fast and lightweight internationalization (i18n) library for your next web-based project

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of andreasbm/lit-translate

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A library for building fast, lightweight web components
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Automatically generate a beautiful best-practice README file based on the contents of your repository
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A Rollup configuration to help you build modern web applications.

Support the repos that depend on andreasbm/lit-translate

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Polymer 3 dropdown element with searchable options, single and multiple selection
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Skhemata Blog Web Component. This web component provides several sub components in addition to main component, allowing featured blogs, blog listing and blog post display.
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Skhemata Subscription Plan Web Component. This web component provides configurable website plans for a product.
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A pagination selector
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Core directives and services of the Plutonium framework
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Web application debugger. Provides form UI and issue submission functionality.
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A simple search box
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Reusable and customizable filters for any list
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An input with label
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Skhemata Site Register Web Component. This web component provides website user registration functionality. It provides optional Okta integration.
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Common styles, mixins, utils

Top contributors

andreasbm's profile
182 contributions
stefanholzapfel's profile
3 contributions
runem's profile
1 contributions

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