

A gulp plugin for converting SVGs to PNGs.

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of akoenig/gulp-svg2png

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construct pipes of streams of events
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Like map-stream but with concurrency limit
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Get the size of an image without reading or downloading it entirely
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The TypeScript Definition Manager

Support the repos that depend on akoenig/gulp-svg2png

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'A mystical CSS icon solution', grunticon-like build system.
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Gulp wrapper for svg-smart plus implementation of common gulp tasks.
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Scaffolding for developing and deploying static sites.
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CLI utility for TARS
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'A mystical CSS icon solution', grunticon-like build system.
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Accessible scaffolding for developing and deploying static sites.
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'A mystical CSS icon solution', grunticon-like build system.
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A full front-end build workflow backed by Gulp with optional tight integration with the Spacelift Drupal 8 theme.
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CLI utility for TARS
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Gulp tasks for front-end building.
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CLI utility for TARS
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a bundle of gulp tasks
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Fronty is a boilerplate for starting new front-end projects.
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CLI utility for TARS
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A tool to create modular static frontend templates with a mocked backend

Top contributors

netopolit's profile
1 contributions
farwayer's profile
1 contributions

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