

ReactNative module for AirJam's TableView component

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Support the dependencies of airjam-co/react-native-table-view

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A component which renders HTML content as native views
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React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
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Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar, image source and full styling.
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Babel compiler core.
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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babel's modular runtime helpers
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ESLint config for React Native
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TypeScript definitions for jest
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TypeScript definitions for react
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TypeScript definitions for react-test-renderer
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Jest plugin to use babel for transformation.
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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Babel preset for React Native applications
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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A framework for building native apps using React
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React package for snapshot testing.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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TypeScript definitions for react-native-vector-icons
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Allows scanning variety of supported barcodes both as standalone module and as extension for expo-camera. It also allows scanning barcodes from existing images.
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Native navigation primitives for your React Native app.
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A cross platform, pure JS implementation of bottom sheets in React Native.
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A base TSConfig for working with React Native.
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React Native WebView component for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows
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CLI to build JavaScript files for React Native libraries
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Shared component types library for AirJam
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React-Native library for detecting beacons (iOS and Android)

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