

Zero config CLI bundler or packager for typescript and javascript

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Support the dependencies of aelbore/aria-build

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An extremely fast JavaScript and CSS bundler and minifier.
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Modify strings, generate sourcemaps
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A rollup plugin that will bundle up your .d.ts definition files.
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Rollup plugin to minify generated es bundle
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TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
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Super-fast alternative for babel
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TypeScript definitions for mocha
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TypeScript definitions for mock-fs
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TypeScript definitions for node
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to
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A configurable mock file system. You know, for testing.
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Simple, intuitive mocking of Node.js modules.
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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Runtime library for TypeScript helper functions
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Rollup plugin to minify HTML template literal strings
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Asynchronous Nodejs FileSystem
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Zero configuration CLI testing tool for nodejs and browser base

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aelbore's profile
236 contributions

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