Node.js library designed to simplify the process of creating Excel files by providing a convenient abstraction layer on top of the powerful "excel4node" library.
Make your life easier with tworklogger. Start your work, add title and you are good to go. When you are done, just stop your work and it will be automaticly added to conf table.
A Heroku plugin extending the Heroku CLI powered by OCLIF to get data related to access, addons and apps which can we used by Heroku Admins of large teams/enterprsies to manage and roster their Heroku applications
Unit Tests builder is a testing toolkit developed on the top of Facebook's Jest framework for the developers and testers to seamlessly write unit tests for every scenarios.
metrics2xlsx is a tool that allows you to convert system metrics files uploded on S3 and formatted by [system-metrics-formatter]( into a .xlsx file.To collect those data we recommend using the npm module [system-metrics-collector]( available even in GO language at this [link]( (if you want a compiled version)