

A starter set of Gulp tasks to do badass development. (Deprecated)

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Support the dependencies of 40digits/gulp-eta

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browser-side require() the node way
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Template engine consolidation for gulp
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Logs filesizes in human readable Strings
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Create icon fonts from several SVG icons
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Conditionally run a task
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gulp plugin to send messages based on Vinyl Files or Errors to Mac OS X, Linux or Windows using the node-notifier module. Fallbacks to Growl or simply logging
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Rename files
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Gulp plugin for sass
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Sourcemap support for gulpjs.
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beautifier.io for node
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Use to create an immutable, lazily initialized pipeline from a series of streams.
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a glob matcher in javascript
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parse argument options
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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Asynchronous recursive file copy utility.
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Recursively iterates over specified directory, require()'ing each file, and returning a nested hash structure containing those modules.
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A image sprite generator
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scss/sass style processor for sprity
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Convert streaming vinyl files to use buffers
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Use conventional text streams at the start of your gulp or vinyl pipelines
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a tool for watching directories for file changes
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process.hrtime() to words

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ckhicks's profile
9 contributions
chadwatson's profile
7 contributions
hahnzilla's profile
1 contributions
grantholle's profile
1 contributions
prichey's profile
1 contributions

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