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Standard Library
FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
freecodecamp/freecodecamp's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
A pure and powerful JavaScript Obyte library.
Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
View the DAG and all public transactions
Current public repository for AdBlock for Chrome
Recent events
Kivach works on the Obyte network, and therefore you can track all donations.
QRPI33656R... has donated 0.00099 ETH to zloirock/core-js
Rules for byteball/perpetual-ui-vue have been changed to bonustrack/obyte.js 10% byteball/odapp 10% chartjs/chart.js 5% vuejs/vue 25%
Rules for byteball/perpetual-aa have been changed to byteball/ocore 10% chaijs/chai 10% mochajs/mocha 10% valyakin/aa-testkit 20%
Rules for byteball/bonded-stablecoin have been changed to byteball/ocore 20% chaijs/chai 10% mochajs/mocha 10% valyakin/aa-testkit 20%
Rules for byteball/bonded-stablecoin-ui have been changed to ant-design/ant-design 15% bonustrack/obyte.js 15% byteball/bonded-stablecoin 15% facebook/react 15%
Rules for byteball/counterstake-sdk have been changed to bonustrack/obyte.js 10% byteball/counterstake-bridge 20% byteball/oswap-v2-sdk 10% ethers-io/ethers.js 10%
Rules for byteball/aa-stats-front have been changed to bonustrack/obyte.js 20% facebook/react 20% mui/material-ui 20%
Rules for byteball/aa_stats have been changed to byteball/ocore 20% kelektiv/node-cron 5% koajs/koa 20%
Rules for byteball/oswap-governance-ui have been changed to ant-design/ant-design 20% bonustrack/obyte.js 10% bonustrack/ 15% byteball/obyte-qr-button 5% dilanx/craco 5% facebook/react 20%